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Variations on a Nautical Hymn

$10.00 $6.50

Based on the Naval Hymn, "Eternal Father, Strong to Save," this work opens with an aggressive fanfare which leads to the hymn, stated in a chorale...

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SKU: ALF-00-4381SCategory:

Based on the Naval Hymn, “Eternal Father, Strong to Save,” this work opens with an aggressive fanfare which leads to the hymn, stated in a chorale fashion. The first variant is Allegro and features interplay between rhythmic figures in the percussion section with mirrored polychords in the woodwinds. The second variant is reminiscent of the music of Erik Satie and features a beautiful pairing of flute and oboe solos supported by strong countermelodies played by the horns. A third variant in 6/8 provides another interesting point of view before the work closes in Maestoso fashion. Another Mark Williams masterpiece!

Weight.180 kg
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