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Through This Vale of Tears


Commissioned and recorded twice by tenor William Brown, Through This Vale of Tears is a kind of social commentary on the death of Dr. King. As...

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Commissioned and recorded twice by tenor William Brown, Through This Vale of Tears is a kind of social commentary on the death of Dr. King. As described by the Atlanta Journal Constitution, “Mr. Baker’s piece set a variety of texts in a cornucopia of styles, including scat, spiritual, and chorale. Miraculously, this diversity cohered, producing a multi-dimensional work filled with grief, humor and hope.” Instrumental parts available separately (LKMP# X815403).

Weight9.6 kg
Dimensions14.00 × 8.50 × .442 m
Format:Full Score
Prior Publisher Id:X081022
Index Name:Through This Vale of Tears
First Publish Date:198601
Publisher:Lauren Keiser Music Publishing
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