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Three Preludes (for right hand alone)


Brechmacher's Three Preludes (for Right Hand Alone) were inspired by his teacher, Ingrid Clarfield, who suffered a stroke that paralyzed her left...

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SKU: ALF-00-38629 Category:

Brechmacher’s Three Preludes (for Right Hand Alone) were inspired by his teacher, Ingrid Clarfield, who suffered a stroke that paralyzed her left hand. The first prelude, Reverie, is peaceful, yet demands careful voicing of the lyrical melody. A Lazy Afternoon, second in the set, is more upbeat and features jazz voicing and swing rhythm. Lullaby closes the suite with a gently flowing melody harmonized with sixths and three-note chords. Each piece stands alone, or the three can be performed as a complete set. “Lullaby” is a Federation Festivals 2016-2020 selection.

Weight .100 kg
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