Upon its 2011 debut, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s spectacular new stage production of The Wizard of Oz dazzled London audiences and embarked on a course for productions around the world. Building upon the original story and the classic movie score with music by Harold Arlen and lyrics by E.Y. Harburg, Lloyd Webber masterfully transforms the work by contributing more than a half-dozen new, original songs that at last successfully adapt the world’s most beloved movie musical for live theatre. This collectible songbook contains easy piano arrangements, along with several pages of brilliant color photos from the original London production. Titles: Over the Rainbow * Wonders of the World * Munchkinland / Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead * Follow the Yellow Brick Road * If I Only Had a Brain * If I Only Had a Heart * If I Only Had the Nerve / We’re Off to See the Wizard * We’re Outta the Woods * The Merry Old Land of Oz * Bring Me the Broomstick * Red Shoes Blues * The Rescue * Hail-Hail! The Witch Is Dead * The Wizard’s Departure * Already Home.
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