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The Swords of Stavanger

$52.00 $33.80

The unification of the Viking tribes is of great significance to the people living in the southwest region of Norway. The International School of...

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SKU: ALF-00-31712Category:

The unification of the Viking tribes is of great significance to the people living in the southwest region of Norway. The International School of Stavanger lies only one kilometer from a small fjord called Hafrsfjord where a monument, “Swords in Stone,” was constructed consisting of three large bronze swords stuck in an outcropping on the shore. The monument commemorates a battle which unified the Viking tribes of Norway under one king, Harald Hårfagre, or Harald the Fairhaired. According to legend, in 872 Harald invited the other tribal leaders to a meeting, then had his boats cut off their retreat and they battled until the other leaders submitted to Harald’s rule. Harald then became the first king of Norway. The Swords of Stavanger seeks to provide a musical backdrop to this legend of Viking heroism and conquest. This title is available in MakeMusic Cloud.

Weight1.050 kg
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