An authentic ensemble collection featuring three players on one marimba, four players on two marimbas, and vibraphone solo with marimba accompaniment. Can be used alone as solos, ensembles, or with the addition of the marimbas, accompanied by drumset, accessory percussion, timpani, or optional bass. Instrumentation: marimba (upper register), vibraphone (Player I); marimba (middle and low register) (Player II); marimba (upper and lower register) (Player III); cowbell, temple block, chocallo, guiro, 4 timpani (bass optional), marimba (low register) (Player IV); maracas, bongos, cowbell, afuche, claves (Player V); drumset (Player VI). Titles include: Rio Danza * Oro Rio * Dance On * Mexican Hat Dance and Clapping Song * Rosarita.
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