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The Commandments of Early Rhythm and Blues Drumming

$24.99 $16.24

Eight years in the making, this "prequel" to The Commandments of R&B Drumming delves into the rhythm and blues of the 1940s and 1950s, an...

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Eight years in the making, this “prequel” to The Commandments of R&B Drumming delves into the rhythm and blues of the 1940s and 1950s, an incredible musical era when shuffles ruled the airwaves and modern groove playing was in its infancy. Written by Zoro and Daniel Glass, drummer for Royal Crown Revue, this book is loaded with history, photos, graphics, exercises, and transcriptions, and includes the most comprehensive guide to shuffle playing ever written. “This book/CD package is well researched, clear in its goals, and enlightening and inspiring in its approach. Keep this one on your bottom shelf; you’re going to want to return to it again and again.” —Modern Drummer “Simply put, this is an essential requirement for every drummer’s library.” —Drummer “I am so impressed with what Daniel and Zoro have done to secure the heritage of the modern drumset. The Commandments of Early Rhythm and Blues Drumming is a must—every inspired drummer needs to experience and learn from this masterpiece. The book will take you on a journey through our history—and knowing where we came from will assist us in our vision for the future! Thank you both for your hard work, so that generations ahead of us can forever enjoy this magical era!” —Dom Famularo Drumming’s Global Ambassador “In the modern era of R&B drumming, there aren’t too many drummers more qualified than both Zoro and Daniel Glass who could have tackled this subject matter with as much passion as these gentlemen have . . . Anyone wanting to delve into the roots of modern hip hop and R&B will want to look no further than this resource; it’s excellent in every regard.” —DrumScene

Weight1.150 kg
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