The Bermuda Islands is a four-movement recital suite that explores the mystery and beauty of exotic Bermuda. “Landfall 32 North 64 West,” the bright and breezy first movement, paints a picture of spotting the island of Bermuda for the first time. In the second movement, “Gulf Stream,” a melody with flowing eighth notes moves through the different registers of the instrument, reflecting the long, winding journey along the Gulf Stream. The third movement, “Shipwrecks and Sunken Treasure,” captures the turbulent seas with full, accented chords in both hands contrasted with lyrical melodic fragments, while a second section with expansive left-hand arpeggios evokes the joy of finding hidden treasure. The final movement uses rich chords, changing meters, and a melancholy melody to recreate the crystalline beauty of strikingly colorful pieces of sea glass that, according to folklore, are “Mermaid Tears” that wash ashore.
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