This book is a colorful collection of 16 repertoire pieces from the Golden Age, for trumpet. The Baroque Trumpet presents some of the finest music ever written for the instrument and includes simple keyboard accompaniment. Titles:Canzona (A. Banchieri)* Sonnata detta del Niccolini (G. Fantini) * Air (G.P. Telemann) * Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (J. S. Bach) * Aire en Echo (M.R. Delalande) *Four Pieces from Sonata Prima (G.B. Viviani) * Come Ye Sons of Art (H. Purcell) * Minuet (J. Clarke) * Ecossaise (J. Clarke) *Rondeau (J. Clarke) * Rondeau from Te Deum (M. Charpentier) *Trumpet Tune (H. Purcell) * Voluntary (J. Stanley).
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