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Sunday Morning Organist, Volume 8: Organ & Piano Hymn Duos

$14.99 $9.74

This edition of the Sunday Morning Organist showcases innovative hymn arrangements for organ and piano. Featuring 14 popular hymns, this compilation...

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SKU: ALF-00-40543Category:

This edition of the Sunday Morning Organist showcases innovative hymn arrangements for organ and piano. Featuring 14 popular hymns, this compilation will leave the congregation in awe of the beautiful and powerful sounds that can be achieved through the combination of these two instruments. Whether a patriotic anthem, Thanksgiving medley, or timeless hymn classic, Organ and Piano Hymn Duos will provide useful resources for worship services. Titles: All Creatures of Our God and King * America the Beautiful * Fantasia on Thanksgiving Themes * For the Beauty of the Earth * Foundation * Holy Spirit, Light Divine * How Wondrous and Great * I Stand All Amazed * Immortal, Invisible * The Lord My Pasture Will Prepare * A Mighty Fortress Is Our God * My Jesus, I Love Thee * O Love That Will Not Let Me Go * Search Me, O God. Two copies required.

Weight.696 kg
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