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Shadow Waltz (for left hand alone)

$3.50 $2.28

A beautiful, haunting melody is the stand out feature of this "Moderato" contemporary waltz setting in C-Major, played with the left hand alone....

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SKU: ALF-00-88239Category:

A beautiful, haunting melody is the stand out feature of this “Moderato” contemporary waltz setting in C-Major, played with the left hand alone. Eighth and quarter notes prevail, and the running passages give the impression of full, 2-handed playing, with a keyboard range from low C up to the C above middle C, a full 3 octaves. The song is expressive and dynamic, and its simple rhythms make it very playable and enjoyable for the intermediate level artist. A Federation Festivals 2016-2020 selection. A Federation Festivals 2020-2024 selection.

Weight.040 kg
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