So moved was Gustav Mahler upon encountering a series of early nineteenth-century compilations of German folk poetry that he spent the next 14 years exploring their musical potential. This volume comprises some of the composer’s most significant and intimate work, featuring authoritative editions of his settings of five poems by Friedrich Rükert, known as the Rückert Lieder. “Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder” (Look not, love, on my work unended); “Ich atmet’ einen linden Duft” (I breathed the breath of blossoms red); “Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen” (O garish world, long since thou hast lost me); “Um Mitternacht” (At midnight hour); and “Liebst du um Schonheit” (Lovst thou but beauty). In addition, it features a pair of songs from Des Knaben Wunderhorn (The Youth’s Miraculous Horn): “Revelge” (The dead drummer) and “Der Tamboursg’sell” (The drummer-boy). Dover original compilation of seven songs from authoritative early editions. [8 3/8 x 11 1/4, 112 pp.]
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