The beautiful, scenic Rhine river in western Germany has been the inspirational source for many great composers, poets and painters. It is a well-spring of many great legends, folk tales and songs. The RHENISH FOLK FESTIVAL has tapped the latter source basing its happy, lighthearted mood on three folk songs about the Rhine river and its regions. The first, “O You Beautiful, Wonderful Rhine,” is a robust waltz, full of sprightly melody with a charming regional lilt. The familiar “Lorelei” of song and legend, develops both the woodwind and brass choirs into some distinctive ensemble sonorities which strive for a gentle flowing sound with only slight dynamic undulations. The final movement, “What Does the Grapevine Bring Us?,” is one of collegiate reminiscing, festive dancing and simple good-fellowship. This is not profound music in the traditional sense; it is joyful music, brimming with life and good fun.
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