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Reaching for the Stars! A Choral Movement DVD

$39.99 $25.99

This DVD features Sally and Andy's staging for 12 Alfred chorals. Titles: Blizzard on the Way! * The Candy Cane Twist * Jolly Jingle Christmas Medley...

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SKU: ALF-00-39928Category:

This DVD features Sally and Andy’s staging for 12 Alfred chorals. Titles: Blizzard on the Way! * The Candy Cane Twist * Jolly Jingle Christmas Medley * Listen to My Song * Play Ball! * Reaching for the Stars * Rhythms of One World * The Season of Love * Splish Splash * Trouble! * Who Put the Christmas Presents Under the Tree? * Yesu Ni Wangu.

Weight.200 kg
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