See it! Hear it! Sing it! Using familiar popular song phrases, POP INTERVALS FOR CHOIR teaches and reinforces the 10 most common intervals a singer will need to effectively sight-read choral literature. In addition, singing by step and establishing a key center are taught with popular songs that every singer will know. The importance of audiation (inner hearing) is reinforced with each interval as well as easy-to-follow instructions for preparation and extension. You will also receive digital access to a professionally-produced audio recording of the accompaniment for each exercise and PDFs of singer parts and theory practice pages for projection and reproducible options. Build your choir’s musicianship the easy way with this motivational resource! Exercises are based on the following songs: Lean on Me (step), Ob-la-di Ob-la-da (skip), Isn’t She Lovely (minor 2nd), Hallelujah (minor 3rd up), Count on Me (major 3rd up), Brave (perfect 4th up), Skyfall (perfect 5th up), My Way (major 6th up), Let It Snow (octave), Hey Jude (minor 3rd down), Happy Together (perfect 4th down), It Don’t Mean a Thing (perfect 5th down). Suggested for grades 6 and up.
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