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Pony Express

$3.50 $2.28

Ride along with the Pony Express in this fast and fun solo written in 4/4 meter. In A-B-A form, the A section is in the key of G minor with a change...

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SKU: ALF-00-30584Category:

Ride along with the Pony Express in this fast and fun solo written in 4/4 meter. In A-B-A form, the A section is in the key of G minor with a change to C minor in the B section. To aid in reading, accidentals are used rather than key signatures. Each section stays in a 5-finger position with melody in the right hand and left hand accompaniments using single notes as well as blocked intervals of seconds through fifths. Staccatos, two-note slurs and accents are all part of the excitement and challenge of this solo.

Weight.100 kg
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