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Pirates 2: The Hidden Treasure
A Musical for Young Voices

$59.99 $41.99

From “Captain” John Jacobson and “Jolly” Roger Emerson – ARRRR! Our favorite rascally pirates are back at work, seeking...

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From “Captain” John Jacobson and “Jolly” Roger Emerson – ARRRR! Our favorite rascally pirates are back at work, seeking adventure and treasure on the high seas! But a mighty storm rolls in and the pirates find themselves shipwrecked on a deserted island – or is it? Will the King of the High “C’s” have a plan to save the day? Through the course of their musical adventures, they discover that real treasure is something they have plenty of … friendship and family. Designed for performers in upper elementary and middle school, this 35-minute musical features six original songs, with connecting script and over 20 speaking parts. The Teacher Edition is filled with quality performance material including piano/vocal song arrangements and choreography, script, helpful production guide and teaching objectives linked to the National Standards for each song. For added value, the ready-to-use student books include songs and script, and will enhance the musical experience for your young aspiring actors/singers! Songs include: A Pirate I Will Be, The Storm, The King’s Plan, Talent to Burn, Who Cares, We’ve Got Friends! 35 Minutes.

Weight1.5 kg
Dimensions5.00 × 5.00 × .150 m
Song List The Storm, A Pirate I Will Be, Talent To Burn, The King's Plan, We've Got Friends!, Who Cares
Credits:John Jacobson/Roger Emerson
Format:Performance/Accompaniment CD
Index Name:Pirates 2: The Hidden Treasure
First Publish Date:201405
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