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Piano Solos Book 2
Hal Leonard Student Piano Library

$8.99 $5.84

Piano Solos features original performance repertoire from 14 different composers. These inviting compositions provide ample reinforcement of skills...

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SKU: 296008Category:

Piano Solos features original performance repertoire from 14 different composers. These inviting compositions provide ample reinforcement of skills and concepts learned in the corresponding–level Piano Lessons book. The outstanding variety of musical styles makes every solo and important piece in its own right – exciting to both performer and listener. Fully orchestrated accompaniments for every piece are available separately on CD or General MIDI. The CDs include both a practice and performance tempo for each piece.

Click on the audio icon to hear a sample of “Viva La Rhumba” by Carol Klose from Piano Solos Book 2.

Weight4.5 kg
Dimensions12.00 × 9.00 × .088 m
Song List School Is Out!, Those Creepy Crawly Things On The Cellar Floor, Magnet March, Song Of The Orca, The Macaroni Cha-Cha, The Stream, Leaps And Bounds, Tender Dialogue, Dance Of The Court Jester, Tribal Celebration, The Accompaniment, Take It Slow, Viva La Rhumba!, Grandmother's Lace, On Fourth Avenue, Goofy Gadget
Format:Book Only
Piano Level Description:Book 2
Medium Description:Softcover
Index Name:Piano Solos Book 2 - Hal Leonard Student Piano Library
First Publish Date:199605
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