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Paukenmesse (Missa in Tempori Belli) in C Major

$12.95 $8.42

Franz Joseph Haydn composed the "Mass in Time of War," or Paukenmesse, in 1796, at a time of war in Austria. This score presents the choral portion...

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SKU: ALF-00-K06245Category:

Franz Joseph Haydn composed the “Mass in Time of War,” or Paukenmesse, in 1796, at a time of war in Austria. This score presents the choral portion of the Mass in Latin, with each voice on a separate staff, including solos and a piano reduction of the orchestral parts for accompaniment or rehearsal. 76 pages. Includes: Kyrie Eleison * Gloria in Excelsis * Qui Tollis * Credo * Sanctus * Benedictus * Agnus Dei.

Weight.400 kg
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