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Pat Martino: Quantum Guitar Complete

$19.99 $12.99

Pat Martino is one of the most legendary and innovative guitarists of all time. This complete DVD combines two of his groundbreaking videos: Advanced...

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SKU: ALF-00-26482Category:

Pat Martino is one of the most legendary and innovative guitarists of all time. This complete DVD combines two of his groundbreaking videos: Advanced Concepts and Analysis of a Tune into one incredibly educational and entertaining piece! Advanced Concepts is a fascinating study of Martino’s approach to contemporary improvising. Featuring Pat’s personal insight and philosophy, the video includes several inspiring demonstrations and live performances. Analysis of a Tune features Pat leading his quartet through four complete tunes at the world-famous Knitting Factory in New York City. These mesmerizing performances are highlighted by an in-depth analysis of Pat’s tune, “You’re Welcome to a Prayer.” The DVD includes a PDF with transcriptions of the music in both videos in standard music notation and TAB.

Weight.200 kg
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