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Musical Games for the Musically-Minded
(Over 52 Games and Activities for the Music Classroom)

$16.99 $11.04

This resource is appropriate for all music disciplines, at all grade levels, and even has an added section for vocal tone development! Activities are...

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SKU: 35014745Category:

This resource is appropriate for all music disciplines, at all grade levels, and even has an added section for vocal tone development! Activities are divided into ear-training, rhythm-reading, pitch-reading, dictation, exploration of music, and vocal tone development. Each activity is described in detail, including appropriate grade level, materials needed, setup and length of time recommended for each game or project. Over 150 additional variations of the 52 activities and games are included in this collection. If you are looking for something to fill a few minutes at the end of class or ideas for the entire week, this is a great resource for unique and fun ways to enhance your students’ music education! Grades K-8.

Weight4.1 kg
Dimensions9.00 × 6.00 × .176 m
Credits:Dave and Jean Perry
Format:Activity Book
Prior Publisher Id:M0748
Index Name:Musical Games for the Musically-Minded
First Publish Date:200512
Publisher:Shawnee Press
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