The Música Latina para Dos series by Wynn-Anne Rossi introduces students to the rhythms, styles, and musical characteristics of Latin American music. Each duet includes a short rhythm exercise to prepare students for the rhythm patterns featured in the piece, as well as a brief description to spark the performers’ imaginations. The captivating rhythms and musical variety found in these duets will provide students with the opportunity to discover and celebrate Latin music—Música Latina. Book 1 contains duets written for piano students at the late elementary level. Titles: ¡Saludos! * La Selva de Iwokrama * Rumba en la Habana * Huayño en las montañas * Lago Titicaca * La bomba del Chota. “Huayño en las montañas” and “La Selva de Iwokrama” are Federation Festivals 2016-2020 selections.
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