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Longing for the Light
A Service for Advent

$150.00 $105.00

This moving cantata is a worship service of contemplation and reflection. Based on the classic Evensong service, the work is appropriate for choirs...

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This moving cantata is a worship service of contemplation and reflection. Based on the classic Evensong service, the work is appropriate for choirs looking for a something that is both traditional and yet very innovative. A profound blending of message and music, the writers have provided a moving invitation to quietly consider the advent moment from an ancient yet relevant perspective, while the narration for multiple readers and congregation poignantly weaves everything together. Though brief, this powerful work will be an inspiring moment as your church prepares for the Christmas event. Truly inspired!

Songs include: ‘Tis the Winter of Our Longing; O Come, Thou Wisdom; O Come, Thou Branch of Jesse’s Tree; O Come, Thou Key of David; O Savior, Open Heaven Wide; Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus; Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying; O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Score and Parts (fl, ob, eng hn, vn 1-2, va, vc, db) available as a Printed Edition and as a digital download.

Weight23.9 kg
Dimensions11.00 × 8.50 × .628 m
Song List O Come, O Come Emmanuel, Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus, 'Tis The Winter Of Our Longing, O Come, Thou Branch Of Jesse's Tree, O Come, Thou Key Of David, O Come, Thou Wisdom, O Savior, Open Heaven Wide, Wake, Awake, For Night Is Flying
Credits:Pamela Stewart/John Purifoy
Format:Chamber Orchestra (Printed)
Index Name:Longing for the Light
First Publish Date:201508
Publisher:Brookfield Press
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