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Lift Me Up! A Choral Movement DVD

$39.99 $25.99

Featuring Sally and Andy's staging for 12 Alfred chorals. Titles: Baby Born in Bethlehem * Bring On the Snow! * Green Eggs and Ham * Jambo Bwana...

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SKU: ALF-00-38171Category:

Featuring Sally and Andy’s staging for 12 Alfred chorals. Titles: Baby Born in Bethlehem * Bring On the Snow! * Green Eggs and Ham * Jambo Bwana (Hello, Sir) * Lift Me Up! * Moses and Daniel * One World (In Harmony) * A Pocketful of Rhymes * Shake the Papaya Down * Sparklejollytwinklejingley * Super Santa! * Whatever Lola Wants (Lola Gets). See the trailer:

Weight.200 kg
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