This essential guide to GarageBand on iPad and iOS devices is your foundation for learning music production in the classroom. Written by Dr. Floyd Richmond, noted iPad music expert and the president of TI:ME (Technology Institute for Music Educators), Learning Music with GarageBand on the iPad provides instant insight and wisdom through Dr. Richmond’s many years of experience. With this book, students will be able to create music on a higher level than ever before regardless of the depth of their previous musical training. Includes over 40 GarageBand song files. Recording * Record digital audio * Record MIDI and virtual instruments * Record wherever your iOS device goes Performing with Smart Instruments * Perform in numerous styles for each instrument (keys, guitar, bass, percussion) * Perform with authentic musical gestures (keyboard arpeggiator, string articulations) * Perform chords of your choosing Teaching and Learning * Create iPad ensembles * Perform solos with included accompaniments * Create loop-based compositions
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