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Improve Your Aural! Grade 6

$7.95 $5.17

Improve Your Aural!by Paul Harris and John Lenehan is designed to take the fear out of aural. Through fun listening activities, boxes to fill in, and...

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SKU: ALF-12-0571534406Category:

Improve Your Aural!by Paul Harris and John Lenehan is designed to take the fear out of aural. Through fun listening activities, boxes to fill in, and practice exercises, this workbook with CD focuses on all the elements of the aural test. And because all aspects of musical training are of course connected, a range of interconnected activities are included to help develop the ear, including singing, clapping, playing your instrument, writing music down, improvising, and composing. This new edition of this popular series supports new ABRSM syllabus requirements from 2010, ensuring success in the aural test of graded exams.

Weight.400 kg
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