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Humoresque No. 6

$50.00 $32.50

Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) clearly enjoyed writing the six humoresques for violin and orchestra in 1916-1917. They were not performed until 24th...

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SKU: ALF-36-A931990Category:

Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) clearly enjoyed writing the six humoresques for violin and orchestra in 1916-1917. They were not performed until 24th November 1919 together with the first performance of the final version of the fifth symphony. The soloist for the Humoresques was Paul Cherkassky. According to the critics, he came close to being drowned out by the orchestra. This publication is the first quality reprint edition of the Humoresque No. 6 in G minor. Vn Solo: Str( in set).

Weight.750 kg
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