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Guide to the Practical Study of Harmony

$14.95 $9.72

This book, written during Tchaikovsky's years as professor at the renowned Moscow Conservatory, is a clear and thorough introduction to the study of...

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SKU: ALF-06-442721Category:

This book, written during Tchaikovsky’s years as professor at the renowned Moscow Conservatory, is a clear and thorough introduction to the study of harmony, complete with many exercises. Out of print for decades and exceedingly rare in its original edition, this volume is as useful and instructive today as when it was written, and offers any student the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of harmony from one of its greatest masters. Unabridged republication of Guide to the Practical Study of Harmony, P. Jurgenson, Leipzig, n.d. [5 3/8 x 8 1/2, 144 pp.]

Weight.400 kg
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