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This is the choral score of the most famous of the several Vivaldi works with the title of "Gloria." This edition and translation by Clayton...

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SKU: ALF-00-K06497Category:

This is the choral score of the most famous of the several Vivaldi works with the title of “Gloria.” This edition and translation by Clayton Westermann features vocal text both in Latin and English, and a piano reduction of the orchestral parts (including figured bass). There is also a short preface by the editor to explain performance practice. The score has 76 pages and is very legible. Includes: Gloria in Excelsis * Et in Terra Pax * Laudamus Te * Gratias Agimus Tibi * Propter Magnam Gloriam * Domine Deus * Domine Fili Unigenite * Domine Deus, Agnus Dei * Qui Tollis * Qui Sedes ad Dexteram * Quoniam tu Solus Sanctus * Cum Sancto Spiritu.

Weight.500 kg
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