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Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers
The Vocal Library


$18.99 $12.34

W.S. Gilbert wrote the words, Arthur Sullivan composed the music, and together they revolutionized theatre music in English. This new series presents...

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W.S. Gilbert wrote the words, Arthur Sullivan composed the music, and together they revolutionized theatre music in English. This new series presents songs and arias from their timeless operettas, collected by voice type. Piano accompaniments for each work are available online.

Contents: THE GONDOLIERS: On the Day When I Was Wedded, When a Merry Maiden Marries • IOLANTHE: My Lord, a Suppliant at Your Feet, Oh, Foolish Fay • HMS PINAFORE: I’m Called Little Buttercup • THE MIKADO: Alone, and Yet Alive • PATIENCE: Silver’d Is the Raven Hair • THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE: When Frederic Was a Little Lad • PRINCESS IDA: A Lady Fair of Lineage High, Come Mighty Must! • RUDDIGORE: Cheerily Carols the Lark, Sir Rupert Murgatroyd, To a Garden Full of Posies • UTOPIA LIMITED: When But a Maid of Fifteen Years • THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD: Were I Thy Bride, When Maiden Loves, She Sits and Sighs, When Our Gallant Norman Foes

Audio is accessed online using the unique code inside the book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.

Weight10.7 kg
Dimensions12.00 × 9.00 × .314 m
Song List When Frederic Was A Little Lad, To A Garden Full Of Posies, Alone, And Yet Alive, A Lady Fair, Cheerily Carols The Lark, Come Mighty Must!, My Lord, A Suppliant At Your Feet, On The Day When I Was Wedded, Sir Rupert Murgatroyd, When But A Maid Of Fifteen Years, When Our Galland Norman Foes, (I'm Called) Little Buttercup, Were I Thy Bride, When Maiden Loves, She Sits And Sighs, When A Merry Maiden Marries, Silver'd Is The Raven Hair, Oh, Foolish Fay
Credits:edited by Richard Walters The Vocal Library Book/Online Audio
Medium Description:Softcover Audio Online
Index Name:Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers - The Vocal Library
First Publish Date:200307
Publisher:Hal Leonard
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