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Folk Stringfest

$35.25 $22.91

Folk Stringfest contains eleven tunes from all around Europe, imaginatively arranged for flexible string ensemble. Featuring Circle Dance from...

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SKU: ALF-12-0571527841Category:

Folk Stringfest contains eleven tunes from all around Europe, imaginatively arranged for flexible string ensemble. Featuring Circle Dance from Hungary, Chicken Feet from Sweden Rikkerdy Tikkerdy Tikkerdy Tik! from Holland, plus tunes from England, Finland, France, Ireland, Latvia, Poland, Scotland and Wales! It includes: * Melody line for violin, viola and cello. * Duet lines (grade 2-3) for violin, viola and cello, which can also be used independently. * Simple parts for violin, viola and cello so absolute beginners can also be included. * Optional piano accompaniment.

Weight.300 kg
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