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Copyright Handbook for Music Educators and Directors

$19.99 $12.99

The Copyright Handbook for Music Educators and Directors provides a concise overview of the key aspects of copyright law that affect music educators...

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SKU: ALF-00-45961Category:

The Copyright Handbook for Music Educators and Directors provides a concise overview of the key aspects of copyright law that affect music educators and directors in the United States. Designed to provide answers to the most common questions raised by educators and directors, this resource makes it easy to find specific answers and is arranged in a user-friendly question-and-answer format. For ease of use, a thorough Glossary of Terms and an extensive Index are included. Not meant to replace legal counsel, the Copyright Handbook is a starting point for music educators and directors with questions concerning copyright. Topics: How to determine if a work is protected by copyright * The use of print music and lyrics * The use of audio * The use of video * Digital products and the Internet * Performance rights * Composing and arranging.

Weight.226 kg
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